Sunday, December 20, 2020



You do not have to write that much to get a pass. What you should do is use loads of images to demonstrate your learning.

When you do write – write in response to the criteria. Use the wording in the criteria as headings and sub-headings and write up the appropriate response. “Do what is says in the box”.

 - You've been advised to research...

Joni Steinbach "Surflands"

Xavier Ribas "Sundays" (Barcelona)

Yelena Yemchuk "Turn on the bright lights". (ID Magazine fashion).

You're advised to produce about a column and a half to 2 columns for each photographer. Use images as much as you can from the series of images indicated. The focus on your research as explained in class is  -

  • The equipment used - cameras, tripods, lights etc.
  • Techniques used
  • Media used (Digital or film)
  • The challenges that might arise shooting these images
  • The characteristics of these types of photography (type of photography and what make it that type)?
I then suggested you pick 3 genres of Photography from a list on the whiteboard and again research and write about these in terms of  - 

  • The equipment used - cameras, tripods, lights etc.
  • Techniques used
  • Media used (Digital or film)
  • The challenges that might arise shooting these images
  • The characteristics of these types of photography (type of photography and what make it that type)?

Personally given what's available on Youtube I'd have gone for -

·         Fashion Photography

·         Wildlife Photography

·         Sports Photography

 You therefore have to explain what’s involved in each of these with reference to the equipment, techniques and media used. So for instance - what equipment is required when shooting fashion on location – is there any equipment that is unique to fashion Photography? What techniques are used when shooting fashion and are these unique to fashion photography – how why? What media is used in the production of fashion photography? Are there any exceptions and why, where are they seen?

What are the characteristics of fashion photography, what does it look like, what’s involved, where is it seen, where is it done, how many people are involved, who are the people, who appears in the images, what’s the purpose, how organised is it, what are the laws and legal requirements.

What are the challenges involved in producing fashion photography - what's involved in terms of preparation, difficulties faced when shooting on location?

Then apply the same approach to at least two other genres/specialties. Either use the ones introduced in class or may others that you feel you know more about or are interested in.

Suggested method_______________________________________________________________

For each of the sections that you choose to do...

  1. Produce 2 columns of images showing examples or the type of photography and the equipment, techniques and media used. Then in the final column...
  2. Use the following headings...
  • Characteristics
  • Challenges
  • Equipment
  • Techniques
  • Media

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